GRAND RAPIDS, Mich (WOOD) – Priority health is now offering a program to help families live safer and healthier. In partnership with the American Heart Association and InterCare, Priority Health is working to deliver CPR Kits to their community. Kits like these are vital in helping families ensure safety for their babies, especially in their first years of life.

Due to COVID-19, hospitals are currently unable to host in-person CPR classes, but the community has a critical need for this information. So, Priority Health is donating these kits to InterCare to help fill that gap and help parents learn infant CPR at home.

The CPR Kit is a comprehensive kit to help families learn how to do infant life-saving breaths and chest compressions. The kit comes equipped with not only an infant CPR mannequin, but it also comes with a DVD manual and instruction guide to further guide families through their informative journey.

Priority health knows that about 70% of cardiac arrests happen at home and it is their goal to make sure that families have the infomration to meet those needs if and when they happen. CPR is one of the most critial things you can learn, especially as a new parent or family member. When you are preforming CPR, it is when the blood is not effectively pumping through the heart and this can be a matter of life and death. Priority Health is encouraging parents to not only train themselves, but train family members, care givers, baby sitters and more. CPR is a life saving skill that people cannot afford to miss.

To access an infant CPR kit visit the American Heart Associate website or call their Grand Rapids office at (616)482-1501.